Monday, October 5, 2009

Are Chester Flamin Hot Halal

chilvi_cos @ 2009-10-06T07: 34:00

First published (as I remember). I do not know whether it counts as Merlin / Arthur or Merlin-> Arthur o: (! Merlin-> Arthur / Gwen OR WHAT. However that does not say that I have not spoiled it.

551 words. Post Merlin 2x03 although the 2x03 is less than half a sentence, so post it as Merlin 2x02. OOC and angst secured as part of my attempts yesterday, to relax my mind. And I'm sure that if I see the last two chapters Arthur find where you call but we all have rights to violate the canon take us licenses.

"I just wish that Arthur trust me.

last is spoken. All these words, all together, in that order. The words and their order are very powerful on the lips of a magician. So is the last time used. Because there is a before and after from the moment you understand your feelings.


- Merlin! How can you be so languages ...? How is it even possible mistake in so many things and so little time? Is this what you mean by polishing a shield? I asked you not to clean the stables yesterday?

Gaius, I was helping all day, sir.

and saving you life. And face to mine again, always for you.

-Terminal before dinner.

"Yes, sir.

Evidence: his smile. And his manners. And never wavering. Even when he lies. He was so bad.

When you look how they look (and Gwen Gwen him to it) already has some experience with that interpretation. Not one iota of what happens in your stomach and in her throat at that time appears in his eyes. Not even blinking.

Evidence: he never called Arthur.

Fantasea with Morgana. Thousand different fantasies. He confesses his secret, share it, link their power, released Camelot and Arthur looked at him with respect. With hate, too. The two things he pleased during the time that remains in his thoughts. After fade into darkness and return to work, his shoulders a little lower. Repeats what is his destiny and becomes convinced that his duty is more than enough reward. You do not need their friendship. No need to trust him. Not needed.

Evidence: I feel asleep. It's an easy trick. It has become so accustomed to their presence can always know where that is not too far. Something like the smell (a soap, wax and sweat recent) when approaching from behind. At first, count the beats of his heart made him while he slept together (my target is still safe, I thought. My fate, I thought). At first.

Sometimes, too, fantasizes Morgana in other ways. She is beautiful (the most beautiful, more beautiful than Gwen, Arthur, my friend, my friend Gwen). And I used to have a smooth and familiar smile, before smiling.

Wondering if I should tell him. A Morgana. Arthur and Gwen. Arthur looks at how Gwen (exactly as it looks Morgana, Uther exactly as it looks, just as no one looks at it.)

Evidence: is Gwen, of course, the only one who realizes (even realize Gaius): hesitates as he looks, confused, researching what is not consistent between the eyes of Merlin and smile. When he sees (the joviality frozen), a couple of steps back and was not in tears flooded her eyes because it's Gwen, made of unyielding courage and an almost regal dignity. Excuses himself to a task false and known to believe that Merlin Merlin knows. That knows and does not approve. Not that I do not approve, of course, but it is to be misguided.

PD. Cross-posted at lamarcadenimueh that I forgot to mention:)


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