Friday, July 24, 2009

Vargina Better With Hair Or Without

Title: Better safe than sorry
Fandom: Digimon
Characters: Taichi / Sora
Gender: Romance, humor, "lime? I ....
Words: 639

Notes: Made for Alphabet Drabble, specifically for


who requested Buckle

word. I have doubts about the level of citrus fruit in this, I do not know if it will be lime, lemon or anything like that what do you think? Well, one of my first forays into fandom. Finally, then this is for you, friend, I hope that is your total satisfaction. Girls, I have no beta, if you find an error please let me know.

Better safe than sorry.

- T-taichi - say his name will cost the same as Sora had trouble at that time take a breath. Hurt the pride of Taichi had consequences that had not been dimensioned.

When they decided to go home Taichi was just finishing high school homework, then the dark started to harass and complain about homework. Then came the harassment, between the target and point began to steal some kisses to his redheaded girlfriend.

The harassment came true when she intentionally, said that perhaps the kisses were more daring Yamato result? Value bearer pissed off and ready to devour. A part of it go I was enjoying another was alarmed by the recent loss of her blouse. Oh, and the lack of air.

- Taichi "The other problem was that he had just heard a door. But her boyfriend did not listen, go empeñoa he was putting his work. He gave a pinch to see if it will react.

- Auch, what you doin? - Taichi asked, rising on his arms. Well, it worked, still holding it up, but at least not so close.

- I think someone came home - Sora replied looking at the door of the room.
- Ah, that - that tranquility swallowed it.
- If so, take off the top before coming to look for - he pushed him yet convinced it would take to understand the message that mattered a little tap to fall off the bed. Did not expect that she too was heading for the floor to do so.
- C-almost me out the womb - just complained about the brown air.
- passes you pull me to you.
- I do not pull.
- I did, I slipped - her boyfriend just grunted, both still in the same place, over Taichi Sora.
- Brother? - Hikari heard steps approaching, it did turn on the alarm.
- I have to wear the blouse and - Sora tried to get up, but failed to fall back on Taichi - I'm stuck. - Stuck? - Both looked to their waists, Sora tried to separate a bit, as a result discovered that the button was the redhead pants atorado en la hebilla del cinturón que estaba utilizando el moreno.
– Hermano, ¿sabes donde están las tijeras? Las necesitamos – gritó Hikari, sus pasos se detuvieron en la puerta, casi podían escucharla girar el picaporte.
– ¡En la cocina! ¡Están en la cocina! – gritó Taichi desesperado, no podía encontrarlos así. Cuando la menor ya no se escuchó volvieron a la tarea. Forcejearon un tanto más, sin conseguir que el botón se saliera buckle. Result: red faces and gasps that could well be mistaken for something more indecent.
- does not work, I'll try getting away manually - Sora had been down again, turned his hands into the source of the problem. - No!
- What? - hands did not go down there - pleaded Taichi. - Huh? [info] - is that we are very close ... .. and you could do that .... - Well, no details needed, apparently her boyfriend was still half on. And they wanted to lower the temperature. - So do you - thank goodness for that, no buts, Taichi put to the task without hesitation. However .... - Brother - it was like in slow motion, slowly opening door, both looking at the figure that appeared behind it - I did not find the ten ... "- a rap had been released, but not in time to prevent the scene - ... stones you? - In the drawer - Taichi pointed to his desk, not moved one iota, their faces were so red that gave Hikari worth asking about where she found the scissors indicated his brother left without comment.
not speak again even if left alone, you stood side by side without losing detail of what happened.
- Taichi.
- Yes, yes, put the insurance for the next.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Breast Cancer Themed Party

Title: Apologies

Fandom: Original

Ross, Angel

General, Family

Words: 729

: Another lapse of inspiration, recapturing some of the early days of Angel XD.


that morning did not want to go down to the dining room, or even leaving your room, but had to do it, why not get out of bed as attract Ely then the situation would get out of control. Down, counting the steps and as a child, eating seconds when in fact conformed to destroy minutes, just wanted to hear the driver to hurry, get in the car on the passenger side and ignore the rear passengers. But it was even earlier than other mornings, I could not escape.

- B-good morning - his cousin Isaac she greeted him upon entering the room, seeing her and then another cousin, not knowing whether it was right or not talking.

She did not answer looked at another cousin, wondering if where I always sit on one side of it, or choose to make compañíaa Isaac. Clenching his fists, to give courage, decided to follow the custom. Angel

not welcomed, bad omen, and when she handed jam sat without speaking, but did so without being asked, perhaps it was not so annoying.

- I forgot a few books, go for them before we go to school - strategic retreat, blond traitor thought it.

What to do? I always had fights with Isaac, was the custom, even lasted for days without speaking, until he passed her anger or her silly cousin could please Him. The second happened more often. With Angel was different, his cousin did not generate any point of collision, arguably had a very similar nature, until then their life together had been as good as an older sibling with younger sister. So with no history of a fight, there was also reconciliation.

Where it all began started a couple of days ago, an evening of returning from school that day was a gloomy aura, Professor of Sports announced this morning that soon begin to practice swimming. It was an excuse to enjoy the pool, an advertisement for her cause of fatal and at least pretend to be sick for a week. Just was thinking of a good condition when he entered her room, she froze to see what was on his bed. Color was purple with black accents, one-piece swimsuit was ....

thought it was a joke of Isaac, he knew his fear of water and probably had heard of the upcoming activities of the course. Gala showing of his dark humor was certain that the presence of that piece was a challenge or a joke. He refused the challenge and was not willing to be the subject of laughter, so it took some scissors from his desk and began to cut into small squares that swimsuit. Later, when her cousin had arrived, took what was left of the trunks and tossed from the second floor like confetti. It was when he was only looking at her that she knew something was wrong.

- I did not know it was you - said in a faint voice from his seat at the table next to Angel continued his breakfast. The trunks had bought Angel, who ignored his phobia, who also could see the purple cloth rain and if was able to identify the origin of this - sorry.

expected longer be ignored, but then watched as his cousin put aside his fork.

- You had to say.

- is thought it was a joke of Isaac, thinking it was yours would not have broken - he responded in the hit, taking advantage of before they returned to silence.

- I do not mean that - he said, shaking his head.

- So? - She asked confused.

- We have four years of knowing, you should have told me that I was afraid of the water - silence, both looking.

- Were you angry for not knowing that?

- You thought I was going to import but what you did to that pledge? - But ....
- I'm offended that you did not have the confidence to tell me about the relationship the water and you - to get hit in the head fake could feel free to smile.
- Sorry. - The next me really angry - he said with half a loaf in the mouth, how to take it seriously? Both began to laugh after that. It was impossible
a fight between them. Those were reserved for the fool blonde cousin. End

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Registry Mechanic Licenseexpired

Title: Thanks
Fandom: Original
Tatsuya / Isaac, Moncef Gender:
General, Family

Words: 349

Notes: Inspiration Todd Swenney night while watching (or as they write).


not take a minute out of BATHING and want to return to that room. It was two o'clock, two o'clock! ¿Esa criatura no sabía de horarios y descanso? Lo observa, se está acomodando en el regazo de su padre, de Isaac, quien no reconoce el genio maligno de esa criatura.

Esta seguro, tan seguro como que no dará su brazo a torcer, de que ese niño en brazos lo hace a propósito, en el momento mas placentero, en medio de una de sus fantasías, ese niño siempre rompe todo con su llanto.

Lo ha hecho otra vez, con una exactitud mecánica, un reloj biológico arreglado para aterrorizar su sueño y demostrarle quien es el que manda. Por que lo sabe, que el odio es mutual, and that the father of such a horrible monster is nowhere near as dysfunctional understand rivalry. He just wakes up and loads until it goes back to sleep, in the worst case it lies with them and have to endure the wake to the smell of baby drool.

- seems to have stayed - Isaac mutters, returning to place it in the crib, clothing as if it deserved. Waiting a few seconds to verify that the work is done. Does not look at him, sleepy and uncomfortable. Do not resist, that look so dedicated that he goes into the crib, preferring to settle into their growls lugar y olvidar a su compañero de cama.

Luego viene el apagón y siente como se recuesta en el lado contrario de la cama, se finge dormido, ofendido por ocupar un segundo lugar.

– Gracias, Tatsuya – maldice al escuchar esa palabra, pero cede a esa mano que pasa por su cintura, al abrazo que los acerca más. Aun cuando es un egoísta todavía recibe el agradecimiento, como si realmente fuera tan paciente y considerado como piensa su pareja que es.

Por que es por eso, por que a veces lo hace sentir mejor persona de lo que es, uno de los motivos por los que ama a ese tontillo rubio.



Monday, July 6, 2009

Universal Glucose Strips


deviant of the season, but the silly website I do not accept at this time.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Is There Any Way To Get Valium Off The Internet

Fandom: Character

DNAngel: Daisuke Niwa
Note: My Daisuke, a little bigger, a little more mature, he added that it is the first wallpaper I do.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bes Place For Scarves

Fandom: InuYasha

InuYasha, Kagome
Notes: Works of artist two weeks of abstinence, and what fascinated by chibis.

A Song That Sounds Like Riverside

Title: Taking Care of each other

Fandom: Ouran Koukou Host Club

Characters: Mori / Haruhi

Genre: Romance
Words: 887

, struggled horrors Mori (at least in devising the plot in my mind), always the quiet ones XD the hardest, with the hope that pleases the public, put it (let me know of errors, as I checked ...)
care for each other
Niwa Daisuke
The storm that fell was the first of the season. A Takashi not seem to mind that fact, his gaze still fixed on that department, remained completely soaked from the other side of the street without losing sight of the door of the residence Fujioka.
- Mori-senpai what do you do in the rain? - reached beside Haruhi, with umbrella in hand and wearing the uniform of Ouran. NiwaWallpaper - Mitsukuni commanded me - his cousin just said "go immediately to see Haruhi," the blond exploded in a fit of repressed anger at seeing his cousin again, and knowing the cause melancholy ordered that.
Recalling that one of them was soaking, Haruhi suggested entering the department. Mori just followed. Inside, Haruhi quickly get a change of clothes to his sempai. That visit the was surprised, especially after they graduated two cousins, there were few times when all members of the Host Club could meet.
- Sorry, no clothes I found in the father a proper shirt - Haruhi apologized to see out his senpai bathroom, it was becoming more difficult to find male clothing the closet of his father, had been found lucky jeans, curiously, and thank God, the only dry clothing was recovered from Mori was underwear.
- Be well - but felt that such short and direct vocabulary employing the largest, did not stop to embarrass the atmosphere could be created for that very reason. - Today was planning to make okonomiyaki, but I can make another thing if you like - I never knew how long would your sempai at home, or even ask the reason why Honey it sent in the first instance, would it be rash to ask?
- Okonomiyaki is OK - the answer as it caused a sudden shock, I had forgotten the subject of food, rose Mori leaving well placed with snacks and tea. A breeze passed rosando his arm reminded him of the lack of shirt your partner, so he opened his own cabinet in search of something to compensate him. Mori
watched as she rummaged in the closet, where the chestnut finished with that task in the hands brought a blanket, spread it on the young man standing building that was taller than her friend sitting in that room in the home.
- Although well come a little breeze, shirtless cold can cause you a cold - smiled as being useful, a minute later he noticed that Mori could not stop staring at her, without knowing why, back abruptly a few steps, her cheeks flushed was a whistleblower who knew neither decipher. Chibi Kagome At the first sigh of the day, what had brought Mitsukuni screams. At first he thought it might be just a toothache or a shortage of sugar in the cupboard of the house. But when her cousin returned blondo to open the door and found him still there clearly told to go to where Haruhi. But when he reached the building, found no way to continue to the door, why was kept waiting there. I could not go to enforce the order, but not touching the door atrevíaa of Fujioka. What luck that Haruhi will find him. Chibi InuYasha - Why did Hani-sempai you came to my house? - Haruhi asked when he was serving, the shock was now Mori, although his were more subtle and almost imperceptible.
knew not to answer or at least put it directly, as was his custom. He looked at the chestnut volvíaa serve more tea to accompany your meal. When she started eating she realized he was not going to push to talk. It was not so easy, the words were never his forte, much less in a situation like that.
As she prepared to shake off the blanket.
- I'm OK - hastened to say the chestnut, accept any form of barter. He moved his plate and tea to be near his partner and then rose from his site. Haruhi's eyes followed him on his way around the table, ended up sitting next to her and spread the blanket enough to cover both Haruhi wanted to get away, embarrassed that drew the consequences, but between the look of your partner and managed to keep his legs still asleep. It was first Mori, Fujioka then also went on eating. So close that she gave the impression that his heart was going out through the mouth. That would end the killing of a heart attack.
But what Haruhi did not know was that if only a little closer to your upper chest, you might hear about the same. Takashi Why can not believe how close it, and does not believe it was him who took the initiative. Suddenly he feels grateful to his cousin. Proven safe Mitsukuni always obey. Only
would like to be a little more courage to finish hugging that girl. Do not know that she does not reject, that would conclude the day wrapped in a cloak, sheltering each other. not know now but soon will
. End