Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Other Than Yahoo Messenger

"GIRI" business

many companies in the West that eventually and power tend to neglect the quality of their products by focusing on sales (microsoft, apple, etc), forgetting the principles that led them to where they are.

Unlike these, companies have focused on Japan to follow the ideals of their philosophy regardless of sales, which helps them create an image and reputation of quality.

"Doing what has never been done before." "Always one step ahead."

This is the philosophy of Sony which has been characterized as a revolutionary company in many areas of technology in electronic products. Apple Ipod and owe their existence through the invention of waklman Sony and likewise the CD's, DVD `s and Blue Ray are inventions of this humble company (with some phillips help but that is another story.) But that duty and obligation (GIRI) to meet your word is what has prompted sony where


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