Cybersociety Giri Vs Capsule hotel
is a well known hobby the Japanese and robots that are evolved. But as not to reach the point when approximately 160 years since Japanese craftsmen began to create the first mechanized puppets or automata.
This is a karakuri, a toy robot of 160 years created by the founder of Toshiba
that is capable of practicing Shodo (Japanese traditional art of writing) being able to write 4 characters. These dolls lacked intelligence but Its design was very clever and had some tricks to make more of an astonished whose range goes from carrying a cup of tea to this.
But with the passage of time and the evolution of the Japanese Society of Post-war these fun toys have been boosted with which they seek to fill certain gaps in society which may be the result of this dehumanization that
Giri and collectivism has generated. Here are some nesecidades
. 1-Pet
2 - nannies
or do certain jobs which do not represent a significant contribution to the contribution of the Company (eg Emfermeria)
But this type of development is also on hand to current problems, according to statistics Japan is the country with the lowest birth rate in the world and it is estimated that within 30 years the number of older people live is less than people Young which would be a problem as the country's workforce would be affected by the physical performance of people and that is develop devices to Japan's future to be even more dependent on their machines, making it possibly the first human cyborgs
physical assistance exoskeleton
As a final point could say that this same need is a reflection of Japanese society itself, a society whose sole purpose is mechanical efficiency, I never said that sea un aspecto negativo pero ciertamente implica una deshumanizacion donde el fin colectivo prima sobre la identidad de cada uno convirtiéndolo ciertamente en robots que hacen y no en personas que viven.
y creo que un paralelismo de esto puede verse en la interpretacion oriental y occidental del robot dentro de la cultura Pop.
Occidental, robot como el villano de turno(Terminator, The matix)
y oriental como heroe de turno (Astroboy, etc)