Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Can You Use A Hammer To Knock In A Cricket Bat

Title: As in a dream
Pairing Kare Kano: Yukino Miyasawa / Tonami Takefumi
Challenge: Halloween
Gender: General, Suspense, Terror (I think)
Words: 725
Notes: I must confess that it came faster than I thought.
Warnings: may be not as scary as the author considers it, but the fight was done.

As in a dream

had once had a similar nightmare. The school in the dark, the wind slipping between the windows and doors, creating whispers and creaking down the hall, right outside a student who forgot to close.

Standing in the middle of the floor just in front of the room in its class, Tonami not know about who download their bewilderment. In that scenario so familiar was not a product of a nightmare, really I was in school, the middle of the night all alone. It seemed that the nap he took on his desk completed the classes, went unnoticed by his teammates and left him there, resulting in that scenario.

- Takefumi - surprised him a voice behind him.

- Miyazawa What are you doing still in school? - Asked leave to feel so stupid.

- What are you doing here? - Said she walked by his side.

- asked first - if not for the shadows of the hallway was sure would be an amused smile on the face of Yukino, would probably be the subject of the next day.

- You've fallen asleep - Chestnut hit upon to laugh.

- Okay, yeah, I've spent the day in basketball and ended up sleeping all afternoon here at school, look, I do not mind not tell Arima, but I beg to not mention it to Tsubaki.

- I will not say anything or Arima - when he turned to see, was sure that his eyes shone with a somewhat strange.

- Thanks - replied a little surprised, not expected to yield so quickly - I still do not say you do here.

They stopped at the stairs, just download and would be almost opposite to the exit. Outside, it seemed that the wind had increased its power, shadows and lights moved more quickly between them. He looked Miyazawa, who seemed reluctant to step on the first step. Chestnut eyes roll bangs hiding, apparently had taken his comments seriously.

- Can not be worse than what happened to me, if so, I do not say anything - better forget about it, walked down the stairs waiting for her to accompany him, as things were going to have to go to leave home.

- Want to know? - Was startled when two white arms above spent his men, clasping hands in front very close to his chin, I doubt it was for Yukino, it did not feel his weight on his back and even his voice be heard different. Something came up the right flank, turned, meeting the face of what looked Yukino between fascinated and amused. Do not know if it was due to the low light coming or had not noticed before, but the girl's skin was as pale as those arms. Yukino

smiled Tonami action that caused it scared them peeking under the upper lip were a pair of fangs. He wanted to think it was a prank orchestrated Sakura, but on leaving the girl and see her airborne knew it was not. Even pinch, wishing it was a nightmare.

- M-Miy .... ... .. Yasa wa - she supported one foot on step above, leaning his body on the air to be face to face front.

- You ever wonder why I'm still here - the brown hands were placed in the nape of the dark, approaching a more - it's time to eat - it was almost a whisper that flew into your ear.

is a dream, a dream, a dream . Tonami repeated endlessly in his mind, was paralyzed, and not only by the terror he felt at that time. Yukino was the one who would not let him move.

A child giggle out of it, then his lips were glued to the Tonami, who felt the language of the girl and then a poke in the lower lip.

- Like I said, no one will know and you do not even feel it - his eyes began to feel tired and a strange calm came over him. Yukino's voice came away, again accompanied by the laughter.

Before losing consciousness, he felt a burning on her collarbone, then we all went fuzzy. Amid such a scenario, one last thought struck him: "I would wake

in the morning? End


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