chilvi_cos @ 2009-09-21T13: 04:00
pringar Nothing like a holiday so that when walking the streets on the way to your work, you just say hello sweepers, police and drunk. Two of three charged overtime While these third parties enjoy while in bed. I think that something is wrong here and probably are neither to be home for breakfast or who charge. Seriously, all desperately waiting week to arrive this weekend, desperately, I say, wanting to regain some balance and peace and quiet, so that his place has come this weekend, short and full of junk? Thanks, universe, you also can go to hell. You and the classic Arthurian legend, which will ruin a series that is perfect as it is getting to shoehorn THE ONLY, THE ONLY pairing that has no feet or head, or chemical, or interest. AND ALSO IS GWEN. If the servant number two, okay. But man, Gwen and hawing and I mean continuous and rare smile pulling deflected sideways and not even feel like looking, so in general. GWEN.
immature That's my opinion and I hope that time (as often negative) about what will happen obviously in the second season of Merlin.
Let us in a situation or let us get to dry: First scene that matter (of theirs): Arthur wakes up with the work being done by residents and, in a fit of utter lack of maturity and whim, call Merlin screams to ask for this issue, with more bad manners and arrogance that exuded Voldemort's birthday. But, alas, neither Merlin nor I care, because Arthur does all that without a shirt with the obvious aim to decentralize and succeeds admirably. Second scene
that matter (of his): I get a skinny guy and pulling funny in appearance which makes the ball to Arthur and is entertaining to watch for a while, the time in which Arthur uses it to Merlin and not flirt with the rest of the moments where, very clearly, Arthur has been exchanged for a Cylon to slightly maladjusted personality to behave as it takes to look straight ooc screen.
The situation improves a little at the same time becomes slightly embarrassing when Merlin goes to his room with a broken heart and Gaius comforts him and talk about how and how much trust eager Merlin Arthur into it and see how it is and you know who does everything for him and all that, gentlemen, seasoned with sad and romantic music in the background. SAY NO MORE
Well, yes, deliberate. It is the only word that comes to mind when I think of Merlin English (English is my one: fanservice). This series is so, so, SO slash has to be deliberate. At least I thought until the last few scenes that I do not want to comment, those in which Arthur, the Arthur accompanying Merlin to save his people, who twice tries to drink instead of a poisoned cup, which he risks his life to find a flower that to save yours, until that Arthur makes two things that do not usually do: one, stop joking and send to hell as seriously plan (would you have erased the memory? This does not believe anyone, come on) and another, interested in Gwen. It is the second time that passes and the second time I squeak. If you roll up to you to roll Gwen Brown, Arthur of my interlinings, because Fly-Morgana be the biggest thing that was the steal, this is going to unbalance more, it's going to Fly-to Uther, who lives the winds it, and Merlin is going to play much music to listen to romantic and sad that we will want to beat us a shot. PLEASE MAKE and marry her for friendship, colegueo because you have to do it with someone and Uther is against gay marriage because you drank too much this week in Las Vegas, annoy or give Morgana Merlin jealous. But do me the favor of not marrying for love, that even I, being easier to buy a pairing that with ice cream and oreo, I can believe that. I speak of me, two minutes after insinuate a relationship in a series, is a fan of it because it is a series and I teach and I'm easy going and going.
other hand I've lost a panic to see Gwen dressed in silk because it is what should have been wearing since the beginning as a maid and lover of the king protected. The change was so subtle, gentlemen of the BBC, but at least has been for the better.
Oh, you see what you did, gentlemen of the BBC? Goodbye to all paragraphs extolling the love of Arthur and Merlin to unnerves someone who assumed I'd better go. If that is what I needed, begin to take seriously this ...
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